Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Texas Ranch House

Although it was broadcast about 3 years ago, I just got around to watching PBS's Texas Ranch House on DVD. It's 8 episodes and gets off to a slow start but quickly becomes engrossing. After the last episode I got so obsessed with it that I watched the whole thing all over from the beginning.

Then I went to the internet and found a number of old discussions of the show.

Watch the whole show, all 8 episodes, before you read the discussions.

Here's the original casting cal from 2005
PBS’ Texas Ranch House now casting.
If you’d like to spend the summer and early fall living in 1867 Texas, apply now for PBS’ forthcoming Texas Ranch House. PBS and Thirteen/WNET are searching for “Wranglers, Cowhands, Cooks, Vaqueros, Ranchers, and anyone interested in taking part.” They want people “who have what it takes to build a ranch, ride the range and ultimately deliver a herd of cattle to a market over 100 miles away.” The site also reveals that “volunteers will be fully immersed in the inner workings of a ranch house: building corrals, rounding up and branding cattle, taming stallions, and preparing for a two week cattle drive—all the while tending to the daily needs of themselves and their livestock.” The show’s FAQ covers all of the bases, including what kind of guns and ammo will be distributed (none), and how much cash you’ll get (a stipend only). Applications are due March 18, and production is scheduled to start in June.

Southern Rockies Nature Blog was also sucked into the show. I particularly liked his tongue-in-check characterization of the last episode.
all the cowboys left angry and joined the Industrial Workers of the World

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