Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blogging on TV

In the late 70's I worked at Northern Trust, in the Chicago Loop. It was common for me to go to a bar after work on Friday and there was a country-western bar on the North side of the loop, next to the Greyhound bus station that I often went to. It was pretty much a dive. But it was a 4 o'clock bar, with a big dance floor, and two bands so that they had continuous live music. Classic honky-tonk country music.

The female anchor person from one of the local news shows often came in on Friday nights after she finished the 10 pm broadcast. She'd come straight from work, wearing her work clothes. I don't remember her name.

She did her broadcast sitting at an anchor desk, and this predated the leg flashing habits of anchors for Fox News. So her work cloithes consisted of a silk blouse with a fashionble suit jacket combined with cut-off jeans.

I guess she was kind of an early TV blogger.

h/t Ann Althouse

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