Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Actually, Laura, Kennedy was Right in the Eighties

I was just watching Laura Ingrams being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly about Ted Kennedy's proposal to block Bush's attempts to escalate the Iraqi war.

As evidence that Kennedy is wrong she offered the observation that in the eighties Kennedy claimed that the general believe about the risk we faced from the Soviets was overblown.

Well, Laura, he was right about that. Subsequent events showed that at the time the assessment the CIA was making about the strength of the Soviet economy was just wrong, much as their claimed assessments about the risks we faced from Iraq has been proven wrong.

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Lifestyle and Political Blogs


Blogger Karol said...

As someone with the distinct pleasure of having been born in the Soviet Union, I can tell you that the risk from the Soviets was never overblown. Who cares how strong their economy was? What mattered was that they had the will to kill all of us and themselves if they had to. If anything, the risk from that evil, awful country was *underblown* to not scare Americans.

11:38 PM  
Blogger Gary Carson said...


That's such an interesting word.

When I was in grade school, in the 50's, I remember a teacher explaining to the class how we could tell the Soviets were evil.

The main reason was them being godless and all. Another reason was that you couldn't travel in the Soviet Union without having to show state issued identification and travel documents to a government official.

You know, like driver's license, insurance papers, airline tickets and boarding pass, and explaining to the traffic cop what you're doing in Pittsburgh.

Evil. Interesting word.

7:35 AM  
Blogger Karol said...

Interesting, maybe. Accurate, definitely. I'm sorry you were led to believe that the Soviet threat was so benign that the big problem was showing your papers. I assure you there were one or two other problems with living in the Soviet Union.

12:04 AM  

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