Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sometimes lockdowns might be worthwhile

It appears that most of the time school lockdowns are designed to only pacify the public by creating a pretense of protection when the reality is that the lockdown actually puts children at risk (Columbine is the best example of that risk being realized). But there are times when you could make a rational argument in favor of a school lockdown.
Four people are in custody after a police chase that ended at the playground of Delaware Elementary School this morning, said Grant Story, spokesman for the Springfield Police Department.

The incident prompted a short lockdown at the school located at 1505 S. Delaware Avenue.

Story said the incident, which happened sometime before noon, started when a man saw his stolen vehicle being driven and followed the vehicle to the area near Delaware Elementary School.

At least one of the four people in the stolen vehicle fled on foot when police officers arrived, according to Story. Police used a taser gun to subdue one person, and one tried to hide himself in the playground at the school, Story said.

In this Missouri example you can make an argument in favor of the lockdown, and the argument is at least rational. It seems unlikely that a lockdown in this case would cause harm, but I'm still not convinced it actually ads any layers of protection.

Maybe. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. So far there's no evidence that the Springfield Missouri schools are run by complete idiots. Even the cops appear to be well behaved.

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